Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Easily Schedule Social Media Posts in One Tool - CoSchedule

How to Easily Schedule Social Media Posts in One Tool There’s nothing worse than staring down an empty content calendar. However, planning social media content ahead of time is important. It helps you save time, get more done, and feel less stressed. After all, if you have posts planned weeks (or even months) in advance, you’re free to work on other things in the meantime. Maintaining a consistent social media content calendar is easier said than done. You need a tool that lets you schedule social media posts across networks. Ideally, you’ll be able to create social media content and collaborate with your team within the same service, too. Sounds like a game-changer, right? There are a number of apps and services out there that fit this description. And, while we may be biased, we think is your best bet. Let’s take a look at how it works. Choose A Social Media Content Calendar Tool Odds are, you’re managing multiple social networks. And you know your messages need to be specific to each one. Using a social media content calendar can make managing it all much easier. You have two options here: Use a spreadsheet Use an app (like ) Whichever option you choose, what’s important is that you use something. However, while spreadsheets are cost-effective, they aren’t necessarily the most efficient nor easy-to-use  option. This is where comes in. Let’s take a look at how our platform makes scheduling your media posts easier. How To Easily Schedule Social Media Posts With One ToolAdding Content To Your Calendar For Multiple Networks Creating content for multiple networks isn’t easy. It’s especially difficult if you’re working alone, or your team is stretching limited time and resources. Take a breath. We’re about to show you how to get it all done. Start With An Awesome Campaign Idea Before you do anything else, you’ll need an idea for your campaign. What are you going to promote? What’s going to be the end business goal for your work? Recommended Reading: How To Generate Better Social Media Campaign Ideas Like A Creative Genius Select Your Social Networks When planning your social calendar, start by determining which networks you’ll use. These can be whichever you’re most active on, or the ones most applicable for your current campaigns. Use this guide to help your decision-making for your next campaign. TIP: integrates with top social media networks, allowing you to create and schedule social content everywhere, all in one place. Create And Tailor Messages For Each Network Your next step is to start creating content. Each message should be crafted to suit the purpose of audience of each network you’ve selected. So far, so good, right? Each message also needs to be placed on your calendar. They should be scheduled to publish at optimal times too. It’s possible to drop all your content into a spreadsheet, set reminders for yourself, and manually publish each message. This option is certainly better than winging it. However, offers a few time-saving features worth considering here. Recommended Reading: This Is How To Write For Social Media To Create The Best Posts Do It All With s Interactive Calendar Interface When you place content into a spreadsheet, you can easily see all your social posts in one place. However, they’re not easy to move around. Plus, you can’t necessarily see when your social posts are scheduled to publish relative to the rest of the content you’re creating. ’s all-in-one, drag-and-drop calendar interface solves both of these issues.  Here’s how it works. Create a new content item on your calendar. Select Social Campaign to create multiple social messages, or Social Message to create a one-off social post. In this example for demonstration purposes, well select a single Social Message. Write a post, add an image or a video (more on this in a moment), and add it to the calendar. Now, youre free to move it wherever you’d like. Click your post: Then drag it to another date: Mix  Up Your Visual Content Visual content matters on social media. According to Hubspot, â€Å"Researchers found that colored visuals increase peoples willingness to read a piece of content by 80%.† Whether you’re sharing photos, designed graphics, or videos, your social content strategy needs to include visual components. And with , you can schedule both images and video with ease. Heres how. Create a new post. Then, select either Image Post or Video Post. For this example, well choose Video Post: Once youve written your post message, click the video camera icon. This will bring up your bank of uploaded videos, or allow you to upload               a new video file: Keep Your Calendar Full With Powerful Social Scheduling Features Creating social posts is one thing. Keeping your calendar full is another. Proper scheduling frees up time and energy to create more content. Best Time Scheduling Good content will find its audience regardless of when it’s published. Scheduling posts at the best times dramatically increases your chances for success, however. The more you can tilt the odds in your favor, the better. Enter Best Time Scheduling. Instead of worrying about when your posts will publish, can post them at the best time, automatically. Set it and forget it. Take a look at how it works. 1. Once you have some social content created, select Best Time in the social queue dropdown menu (or within the Chrome extension): 2. does the rest. Your messages will be scheduled at the best times to drive the most traffic. 3. Lets say you want to get in the drivers seat here. No problem. If youd like to schedule posts at the best time, within a preset timeframe, Best Time Scheduling offers four different options: Morning (8-11 a.m.) Midday (11-3 p.m.) Afternoon (3-7 p.m.) Evening (7-11 p.m.) ReQueue What if you have evergreen content you want to reshare later? One option is to manually schedule that content across your calendar. An easier option is to use Requeue  in . Create social media content, add it to groups, and let ReQueue do the rest. Watch the video below to see it in action: Schedule Your Way To Social Media Greatness By the time youve created a handful of campaigns  and rescheduled  your best evergreen content, youll find you have a robust and well-scheduled calendar that looks something like this: Tons of social messages, visible alongside all your other content, all scheduled in advance. Its beautiful (its okay if you start  tearing up a little). In all seriousness though, once you start scheduling social media content in advance, you’ll never go back to winging it again. That kind of ad hoc strategy simply doesn’t scale. Scheduling frees up time and mental energy you can use to generate more creative campaigns, create better content, and improve your overall social media marketing performance. See for yourself with a free 14-day trial.

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